Outline of the European Union

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership of 27 member states, located primarily in Europe.[1][2][3][4] Committed to regional integration, the EU was established by the Treaty of Maastricht on 1 November 1993 upon the foundations of the pre-existing European Economic Community.[5] With 500 million citizens, the EU combined generates an estimated 30% share (US$18.4 trillion in 2008) of the nominal gross world product.[6]

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the European Union:





  1. Members
  2. Institutions
  3. Other bodies
  4. Related Organisations

Law and policy

  1. Treaties of the European Union – Founding and amending treaties (primary legislation)
  2. EU Policy Areas
  3. EU law
  4. Forms of Secondary Legislation
  5. Topics of Secondary Legislation
  6. Directives and Regulations of Secondary Legislation:


See also


  1. ^ Jackson, James K. (9 March 2009). "The Financial Crisis: Impact on and Response by the European Union" (pdf). Federation of American Scientists: Congressional Research Service. p. 28. http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R40415.pdf. Retrieved 6 July 2009. "The European Union is a political and economic union of 27 member states, formally established in 1993 by the Treaty of Maastricht out of existing structures that had evolved in steps since the 1950s." 
  2. ^ Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations. "What is the European Union?". http://www.franceonu.org/spip.php?rubrique764. Retrieved 6 July 2009. "Europe is a geographical and cultural notion. The European Union is a political and economic union among 27 States on the European continent" 
  3. ^ "Cabinet statement on German EU Presidency". Regierung Online. Press and Information Office of the [German] Federal Government. 5 November 2006. http://www.bundesregierung.de/nn_6564/Content/EN/Pressemitteilungen/BPA/2006/11/2006-11-05-eu-ratspraesidentschaft__en.html. Retrieved 6 July 2009. "The European Union is a political union..." 
  4. ^ "European Union", New Oxford Dictionary of English, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2001, p. 635, ISBN 0-19-860441-6:"an economic and political association of certain European countries as a unit with internal free trade and common external tariffs...." 
  5. ^ Craig, Paul; Grainne De Burca , P. P. Craig (2006). EU Law: Text, Cases and Materials (4th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 15. ISBN 978-0-19-927389-8. ; "Treaty of Maastricht on European Union". Activities of the European Union. Europa web portal. http://europa.eu/scadplus/treaties/maastricht_en.htm. Retrieved 20 October 2007. 
  6. ^ "World Economic Outlook Database, April 2009 Edition". International Monetary Fund. April 2009. http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2009/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?sy=2007&ey=2009&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=001%2C998&s=NGDPD%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPSH&grp=1&a=1&pr.x=50&pr.y=9. Retrieved 24 April 2009. "
    Gross domestic product, current prices; U.S. dollars, Billions;
    2007 = 16,927.173
    2009=15,342.908 [projection]
    Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) valuation of country GDP; Current international dollar, Billions;
    2007 = 14,762.109
    2008 = 15,247.163
    2009 = 14,774.525 [projection]
    GDP based on PPP share of world total
    2007 = 22.605%
    2008 = 22.131% 2009 = 21.609% [projection]
    World "GDP", current prices; U.S. dollars, Billions;
    2007 = 54,840.873
    2008= 60,689.812
    2009= 54,863.551 [projection]
    These data were published in 2009. Data for 2009 are projections based on a number of assumptions."